For a number of years now I have been including the number 333 in the images that I create. Sometimes subtly, other times quite blatantly. Some images will include the number as digits, other times it will be a series of dots or marks. Three lots of three dots, or three lots of three marks.
One of the reasons I started to do this was because I noticed that the number had started occurring over and over again in my life. More or less wherever I looked. It would appear within sequences of numbers, printed on packaging, on car number plates, every time I looked at the clock etc. In fact it still occurs in my life sporadically. I am not necessarily a superstitious person, but this reoccurrence fascinated me. So I started to incorporate it into the imagery that I produce.
After having done a scant bit of research on Google, it turns out that the number is considered auspicious and could mean a great many things.
At times it is referred to as the ‘Angel Number’. Some say that the number 333 can also encourage us to put our plans into action or indeed let our personal strength be our guide. Apparently, it is a number that can encourage us to trust ourselves and our own intuition and is largely connected with creativity, optimism, growth and joy. It is also said to be a catalyst for positive change denoting a period of self fulfilment where one might strengthen ones connection with the physical universe.
As we all know, because De La Soul sung about it back in 1989, 3 is indeed the magic number. By numerous accounts the number 3 is a divine number, certainly if we think about it in terms of the Trinity of gods in Christianity (The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost). It also crops up many times in biblical scriptures in a positive way. In the Hindu belief system there are three main gods also (Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva). And, if that’s too spiritual for you, we could think about the number 3 where our physical being is concerned when we talk about the (Mind, Body and Spirit). The number 333 is also connected to the idea of strong or positive communication within relationships.
Obviously, I was delighted to discover all these things about the number and it sat very well with me and my own convictions. So this is why I decided to incorporate the number into my creativity.
Look out for it in my images in the future and see if you can spot where I have placed this auspicious set of digits. Remember, it could be the physical numbers or a repeat in occurrence of a graphic.
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