Photography Beyond the Moment
Event photography, beautiful landscapes and creative artistic photography are also a bit of a passion of mine and have been for many years.
Initially photography was necessary for me to capture images to use as reference material for my character and portrait illustrations. Rather than relying on expensive stock photography, I turned to photography as an immediate and accessible medium. It soon became a passion in its own right as it made complete sense to me. Having been taught about composition, colour structures, depth of field etc in my fine art training at college and university, I realised that photography was an art in its own right.
I came love the process of ensnaring life’s little moments.
I aim to capture the beautiful, the intriguing, the gritty, the fun, the moving, the abstract… The moment!
The characteristics of my photography are in two camps. I love photographing people in a candid and reportage, shooting from the hip style. The other side of my photography is in the photographing the the wonderful landscapes on this amazing planet we live on. The subject matter I tend to shoot from a personal point of view is quite broad. I’m interested in all aspects of life and culture, fascinated by a world that is ever changing. See more at my photography website below.