Character Illustration
He might be a snake, but he is the best snake in town. Seth is his name and he’s all sorts of urban cool. Bang into his Hip Hop. B’ Boy exsssssssssssssstraordinaire. Slithers here, slithers there and does a mean moon walk. He truly is the king of all snakes.
OK, it’s becoming a major obsession, but I am fascinated by multiple versions of one image. To be honest, I’m only really scratching the surface. Imagine the colourways that could exist if you just kept exploring. Imagine a slight graphic change and then starting all over again. Imagine that again, and again… Mind boggling.
Original Illustration
This is a quick illustration in Procreate. Colourway edits produced in iColorama on the iPad Pro. Other colour corrections and finishing in Photoshop.
Initial image is the original illustration followed by subsequent colour versions.
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