I did a little illustration of my daughter having a hot chocolate before bedtime. We like a good bedtime story in our house. My wife and I collect children’s books, so there is always a good story to hand.
Here are a recent collection of images. They are a mixture of hand drawn and digital art play.
This was a really fun and creative art club. From large A2 printed portrait photographs the children traced their own images paying particular attention to the shapes that exist within the human face. This made for some really lovely and unusual drawings. The second stage
His name is Scoper. He has just been hit by cupid’s arrow and is about to fall in love. Maybe he will fall over first. It’s hard to know.
Nimble Line Bimbles Taking the pen for a walk.
Using Dazzle 03 pupils created funky character designs to use in the production of a Digital Urban Mural. Further graphic experimentation had them exploring various tools within the Dazzle 03 software package where they used multiple layers and learned to transfer images from one document
Sketchbook image and some iPhone app trickery.
Found this the other day. It’s a triptych of characters painted on board that I did back in 2007.I’m not actually sure what happened to them or where they ended up, but I have always loved these characters.
Face illustration on A2 cartridge paper. Berol Pen, Quink Ink, Posca Pen & Biro. Berol Broad Pen, Quink Ink, Posca Pen and Biro Pen face illustration on A2 cartridge paper.
Been mucking around with a couple more GIF experiments. They are always fun to put together. This one is probably too image heavy, but I quite like it all the same. It may take a while to load due to this.
A quick sketch with a bit of Photoshop play. Faces are just so expressive. They tell us so much about a person. Mood, intention, character, right up front. But sometimes it is more subtle. Micro expressions are harder to read, but they are there. You
A quick pen drawing, digitally edited and coloured.
This was a fun project with Shelly First School where the children got to make King and Queen portraits out of their own faces as part of a whole schools creative arts week. The theme for the art produced during the weeks creative activities was
Illustrative play – Texture versions
(Book Cover Illustration) Yes, I am responsible for the cover design, but the real genius is on the inside. ‘Endless Running Games’ is a collection of poems by Gareth Durasow. Gareth isn’t at all reluctant about eloquently sketching out the grit and feculence of the human
Working with KS2 art club I did a quick photo shoot with the children during their first session to get some source material for their illustrations. Once that was done we loaded all the images into the computer and started the creative process. Using Dazzle
The truth is, one thing leads to another.
New Illustration Cartoon line boy, a super hero boy, equipped with a cape he’s a gold tooth boy. He’s an out there boy, a real hero boy, a fine and dandy do it well and for the people boy!
A fun workshop working with Key Stage 2 children exploring drawing skills and character development. The children got to try many new drawing skills and techniques before starting on their final images. They were also able to experimented with vibrant coloured inks trying out different
Using Dazzle 3, the children at Rowley Lane JIN School explored portrait illustration using multiple digital layers. When they had finished their main images derived from their own photo’s, they made tome funky textured canvases in which to place their illustrated selves. The workshop was
Yep. That is the shape of my head. From a certain angle of course.
SPECTRUM The trick is to be one!
Pencil drawing and a little iPhone trickery via a couple of apps. A nod toward the Wachowski Brothers trilogy of films.
Development of some ideas. My 2 year old daughter decided to add a few of her own lines with red crayon. I think it adds a certain jenesequa. I love it when she joins in with the creativity.
In 2013, Salendine Nook High School won the Guardian Newspaper’s ‘School We’d Like’ competition and was awarded £5000 in prize money to revamp the Blue Tunnel, which is a key linking walkway between different buildings in the school. See the initial post from The Guardian…
iPhoneography and added digital graphic elements.
This was a lovely project at Rowley Lane. The children got to create lots of different illustrations using portrait photography as their starting point. Using textures, graphics and creative tablet apps to further manipulate the images, the year 2 – 6 children had some really
Working as Artist in Residence with young people at Bradford Academy recently in the production of funky graphics across four large circular boards. The design challenge was based on the Academy Value Contract (AVC) that students agree to adhere to. It is always great fun
I want one of these little cars. They look like they might be quite a lot of fun to drive.
I have been having some fun messing around with animated Gif’s. I think they still have their pace in the grand scheme of things.Good fun and quick to create! I will post some more soon.
New Illustration Messing with the tablet, textures and using a limited colour palette. This image is derived from a photo that my father took of me when I was about 8 years old.
Also a musician, juggler, stand up comedian, carer, culinary genius, father, husband, teacher and all round good egg!